diary of a 1337h4x0r #1

I have a box. It's been with me for a couple months. It keeps telling me that it used to belong to another hax0r, but I never like to think about it that way. To me, it's always been with me, my box. And life carries on. However, I just can't deny the presence of that other hax0r. Apparently, he'd planted quite a few backdoors inside this box. I tried my best to get rid of those pesky apps, but it turns out there are a few that I'm unaware of, but they definitely exist. Now and then, that damn hax0r would just log into my box using the few backdoors that I didn't manage to remove. Yet. And it leaves me with a helpless feeling. And anger. Beyond explanation. Obviously a 1337h4x0r like me wouldn't accept such a thing. After all, I have the root password. I'd just change the IP address and that damn hax0r would be no more. Unless my own box broadcasts its new address, of course. But I really, really, really pray to God that it won't. Seriously.
posted@7:58 PM

Comments & Discussion

»Anonymous Anonymous

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

8:17 PM 
»Anonymous Anonymous

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

3:32 AM 
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