banditkampus 2.0 is here.
And I love this design, been a solid joy working on it (aside from the usual designer's frustation that is trying to support the wretched IE6/Win). Everything here is XHTML+CSS, hopefully as standard-compliant as it could be. But, why the pondering: just view-source and comment away, dude!
From now on I will write mostly in English, so anybody unfamiliar with the language might not be joining the ride any further. I truly apologize for that. Yet, the name of the blog —banditkampus— is here to stay. Proudly, I must say.
Anyway, let's talk about stuff that matters: Content. I never really felt comfortable about writing useless minutae details of my life in my blog (“My cat just totally ate my lunch and I'm like, starving!”). Which is ironic, because that's the kind of crap I fill my blogs with all this time.
Well, no more. From now on I will try to provide actual content. About web standards. Or design in general. Or about programming and geek materials alike (I study computer science, after all). And, yes, the usual pondering about life and things will still appear from time to time.
Well, that's that, lest this blog degenerates into meaninglessness like it used to be :p