An offer you can't resist.
If you happen to be one of the 98.172% of the community who opt not to disable image loading on their browser, I believe you didn't miss the announcement above: Hafiz Rahman (that's me) is now offering webdesign services!
If you're looking for a standard-compliant solution for your web that is both functionally effective and visually enticing, then look no further. Let's talk. My e-mail address is right up there. Remember that just as it says: you can't afford to lose me!
Comments & Discussion
okeh mas, masukannya tentang desain blog saya akan saya perhatikan pada desain baru nanti (rencananya tahun baru mau ganti lagi, haha). makasih ya. nice design you have here...
waw waw waw waw! O_o;;; keren abis jek! cakep! leotnya keren bener! hayo hayo, update update.. *pokes pokes*