Sunday, December 24, 2006
Between Rizqi and Money
I had just been told this:
When you work, never think that you're looking for money. Look for Allah's rizqi instead.
This caused an explosion in my brain. A screeching halt. A change.
That is so very true. Currently I am still not very sure how to define rizqi, but I am sure I have headed to a better direction from now on. Will be sure to learn more.
posted@7:23 AM
Comments & Discussion
If you're looking for money in the first place, join MLM instead^^
ga usah sinau duwur2, ga usah dadi programmer, dodolan lalapan iwak wader ndek sby ae omzet-e 7 jeti sedino huahahaha.....
nice blog ,,this is my first time i visit your site...hope i'll learn much about information on your site