CSS Mastery iPod Giveaway

Hey Santa! I am a muslim from Indonesia, so it is pretty safe to say that I have never wrote a letter to you. I don't believe you exist, nor do I celebrate Christmas, but I guess that's beyond the point.

I mean, hey, we're talking about CSS Mastery here! If there's anything I would really love to have, it's this real, dead-tree version, one-you-can-hold-in-your-arms webdesign book. I'm a poor webdesigner, man, I can't afford to buy books off Amazon. I don't even have a credit card.

I think the book would be a refreshing change, instead of having to look around the 'net for resources. And I think it will really make me happy as well. This book will obviously be one of my main arsenal during my struggle to become a professional webdesigner. I certainly am going to fight all my way for it, so share me the knowledge from that book!

Well, here I am waiting impatiently. Come my way, book :)

This is a participation to the contest up at Andy Budd's blog. Mr. Budd is the writer of the book CSS Mastery. The one book that I want to learn from so badly.

posted@5:51 PM

Comments & Discussion

»Anonymous Anonymous

*Jowo mode : ON* Apik tenan tah sampe koen kepengen koyo ngono ?

10:33 AM 
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